
Thursday, March 10, 2016

My Good Luck Charm | Ribbon Garland

I was running low on daylight... and time...

 rain clouds were on the way too... 

which wasn't helping my lighting situation.

We don't get a huge amount of natural light 

in our kitchen all day long...


I usually have a small window of opportunity...

when the right amount of light is available...

and snapping photos is optimal... 

So, I hurried...

And quickly snapped a few dozen pictures...
A lot of the photos at first glance, looked blurry...

I thought "maybe it was me...or the lighting..."

And then... I spied a mistake...

It didn't matter how many photos I had taken... blurry or clear...

All the photos had the same unlucky error...

Do you see it??

90 photos into it... 

I saw it too.

Oh well,  I guess if you can't be lucky...  you can be "lukcy"...right?

Here's where the real 'luck' comes in...

I caught the mistake... right then, 

when I could actually do something about it...

Best  l-u-c-k   ever...

Finding a misspelling later...
long after the sun has set and 
the camera has been put away...


It happens every now and then...
and those "finding your mistake too late" 
kinds of errors...
those are the unluckiest!!

Luck was on my side.
I saw it, fixed it...
and captured just enough photos
before the rain clouds made it too dark in the kitchen.

So...If you're feeling lucky... 
 If you're feeling 'lukcy'...whatever the case may be...

Here's a hint of green, Irish-inspired decor
that is sure to keep those pesky leprechauns at bay!!

You might consider making this super-easy, in 30 minutes of your time-easy!!
DIY ribbon garland...
Twine, scissors and an assortment of complimentary ribbon
is all that is needed... So easy.

 These are the colors I decided to go with for St. Patrick's Day. 
I purchased this ribbon from Hobby Lobby.
 Using about an 8-inch piece of ribbon, make a loop.  (as shown)

Pull the ends of the ribbon through the loop.

Pull the ends through and down...
Give a gentle tug to secure the ribbon...

Continue to tie on additional 8-inch lengths 
of ribbon (folded into a loop) in different colors,
space them evenly along the twine.
 Trim all the ribbons to a uniform in size.  
All that's left to do is hang up your gorgeous garland...
and wait for all the good luck
to come your way!!

I LOVE that this project has so many applications...
Simply change up the ribbon and
you have endless decor possibilities...
Birthdays...Easter...July 4th...Graduations, 
I'll stop there... because ...
I could just keep going (and going) with the special days!!
Do you see the lovely shamrocks (Oxalis) ??
Every year I say to myself:

"I'm not going to buy any shamrocks this year...
...I always do them in...poor things"

And like March, I am so desperate for
a bit of bright green... I buy them...anyway.

If someone or something ever needed some luck...
it's that little pot o'shamrocks you see sitting right there!

Are you in need of a little more 
St. Patrick's Day inspiration??

You might like:
Lucky Lime Floats

Rainbow Jello

More Spring Inspiration...

Easter Mantel

Easter Brunch

10 Best Easter Table Tips!!

Thanks as always, for stopping by to read the blog!!



  1. Love the good luck charm garland. So adorable!
    Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Hi veronica! Thanks for stopping by the blog. I am new over there at Mom Bloggers...and still trying to figure the site out. Thanks for taking the time to write. :)


