Monday, August 31, 2015

Hardwood Floor Happiness

Well, friends,

they are finally here...the search is over...

(Oh, happy day!)

Did you ever know EXACTLY what you wanted...

But... just didn't quite have the right words to describe it...? finding the perfect paint color, 
The perfect color you can imagine in your head, 
but clearly doesn't exist in paint chip form...


 for instance, finding the right kind of sofa...
with the just-right cushions, in the just-right color,
at just the right price point...

I am usually in this boat...

The "I know what I want, but can't find it,

describe it,

or locate it,  kind of boat"...
and yes...I think we pretty much have
all been there a time or two...
or ten...(like me)

 A classic situation of "I will know it, when I see it"...

But usually, I'm so not seeing it...
What if I don't ever find it??

(which is true about a lot of things in life...
you just know it, once you see it. case closed. done.)

I am happy to announce we found our "IT"

...our flooring "IT".

We are the proud owners of the

 floors that I always knew belonged in our home...

This project started waaay back in March (gasp) a Pinterst tragedy...

"Paint your sub-floors they said"...

"It will be a.w.e.s.o.m.e!!"...

(At least that's what the Pins were saying to me)

...and it wasn't awesome.

My sub-floors turned out to be a 1970's-era
pressed particle board disaster... 
complete with a little water damage form ages ago...

No painting was happening here.

No cute stenciling was going to take place either...nope.
None. Zero. Zilch.

We really did not want to replace the
plentiful 1980's colonial blue carpet
 (albeit in very good, almost never used condition)
...with more 2015-era carpet...

So we did it...
We had hardwood floors put in...

random width...and match the entryway.

We decided to have the floor toothed in...
which ended up being a very good choice.

It allows a beautiful flow through the front of the house.

(Truth in Advertising statement:)

This could have been a truly inspirational

 DIY hardwood flooring moment...

It really could have been.

But, it also could  have been a tale of getting in
  way over your head with
a project better left for the pros...

We know our strengths...
and hardwood installation isn't one of them it turns out...

I know my way around a can of paint

and I can re-do, makeover and re-purpose a lot of things...

But these floors...

These floors needed to be something special.

...And someone special

with a good understanding of wood,

stain and quality workmanship needed to be involved.

So, naturally, we handed this project to a professional.

I was wowed, when he used pennies to show me how the pegs would look...


He created a true work of art.

The floors seamlessly blend into the original entryway.

We could not be happier.

Goodbye 1980's blue carpet... goodbye...

and hello hardwood!

Please don't let me fool you...

Although we opted not to do the work ourselves...

We put in plenty of elbow grease on the front end of this project.

There was a ton of boxing up, packing up, moving and prepping..

A  ton!!

(It literally felt like I moved a ton of furniture...)

But I'm still smiling  (see...photographic proof)....

Mostly, because the floor behind me is finally prepped and I know

the floors I always imagined...dreamed of...

...The beautiful floors I always knew I wanted but could never find...


were almost in place...

And now... A perfect blank space.... (Oh, the possibilities...)

Stay tuned!!

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