
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

COUNTRY LIVING FAIR 2016, PART TWO...I Wanted to Tell You ONE Last Thing...

The Country Living Fair...
It's wrapped up for this year here in Ohio,
 but wow, was it special!!
I had so much fun!

...from start to finish, 
it was an
absolutely wonderful time.

The fair is an antique-treasure hunter,
farmhouse decor, DIY lover's dream come true.
I took one of these darling bracelets home with me.
They are from jewelry makers: BelMonili: Etsy Shop

So, you can imagine how happy this place makes me...
If you love Country Living Magazine, this three-day
extravaganza of demos and food and finds...It's made for you...

And yes, it was made for me.
(Me, and thousands of folks)

I always have a lovely time...
this year was no exception.
... presenting, oh my, goodness... this year...
sharing my recipes on the Kitchen Stage, what a treat!!

I LOVED having the opportunity to 
share delicious and award-winning recipes with you....
in person... (my favorite part)

I LOVED answering your questions....

I LOVED giving way some of my 
very favorite baking tools!!

I hope that if you went,
you had just as much fun as I did.  

Most of all...
I hope it's not too late to share with you
 one last thing...that I really wish 
I had remembered to mention...

If you did not go, but still want the recipes, OR
maybe you are wanting the inside scoop on 
my favorite baking're in luck.

I made a little CL page at the top of this blog...
Yes, right up at the top is a link to both days, 
and all the good stuff we talked about!
--you can click here too:Country Living Fair Page

Look at this super-cute 'Blue Ribbon Kitchen Swag'  
My sweet friend made this for me... 

I LOVE it!!
Thank you, Jayna.
You are one crafty mama!! xo

Special thanks to our friends at
 Snowville Creamery...

They agreed that award-winning pies go perfectly with 
Snowville Creamery ice-cold milk...and we had samples for everyone.

About that one last thing...
(truly, there's always one last thing... right??)

After all the dust settled...
(The good kind of dust of course, from a scenic
winding, country dirt road... that kind of dust)
Like the roads from Little House on the Prairie...

What I wish I would have remembered to say...
but somehow forgot to mention...

In all the commotion of lugging around
my food processor, baking, 
and deciding which statement necklace would be best...

I forgot to share with you, CL friends,
 that I am a
self-taught, home baker...
just like you.

like so many of you...
I'm a mom, and a wife and a crafter...
I'm a DIY-er, and a PTA member...
The lady at the grocery who should have gotten a cart...
The mom who cheers for her kids at the baseball field...

If I can bake an award-winning anything... 
so can you.  --I promise.

I hope you try these recipes... 
I hope you do.

I hope you love and enjoy these recipes and
share them with others.
I hope you always feel like you 
can do anything you decide to do.


That my friends,  is what I wish I would have remembered to say.

Happy Baking!!!

Thanks for reading,

xo Karri


  1. Lovely! You give us other moms hope for being able to create something beautiful AND delicious :-) I hope you are enjoying your bracelet. Thank you for the shout-out!

    1. Thank You!! I'm loving my vintage bracelet!! I wore it over the weekend!! Can't wait to add another to my collection. Thanks for writing. Best, Karri

  2. Love seeing what you do and you are an inspiration. Love to make pies and thought I had a wonderful pie crust, but tried yours and WOW, such a wonderful difference. Would love to access your award winning pecan pie. Again, I think mine is great, but want to try yours, greater still, I'm sure. Thanks!

    1. Hi Linda!! Thank you for writing...I am so happy to hear you like the pie crust!! I will get to work on a pecan pie post very soon...I hope to have it up in plenty of time for the holidays. Pecan pie is my favorite pie... and also the lucky winner of 3 blue-ribbons...I'm putting it on my to-do list. Best, Karri
