
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year: Centerpiece Idea

I can hardly believe were are
at he close of the year...

I knew it was coming... 

How did it get here so fast??

speaking of going so fast...

I do owe you four days
 of Christmas too!
... and it's been on my mind...
I have them all for you just below.

I absolutely plan to deliver... all four days and
catch you up --in this 
one 500-ish word blog post.

I'm hoping you will enjoy 
these better-late-than-never days...
and hopefully you can
file them away for next season.

December, was overflowing with
good things.  So many wonderful
things to do... so many...
 holiday parties, school events...
the list is longer than Santa's.

December is always full...
but somehow this year felt like more...

This year, it was our turn to host
the family Christmas celebration!!

A true labor of love...
(I'll be sharing some 
of the highlights of our Christmas below)

It snowed...and on Christmas Eve... how lucky
to get a white Christmas.

It was a busy time, and an especially 
very busy few days...leading up
 to Christmas morning.

Which brings us to this week...
that strange week between 
Christmas and New Year's Eve...
when I am not quite
sure what day it is and each morning 
I'm wondering if my husband is
on vacation or headed off to work... 

All week long, I was torn between staying cozy and 
warm on the couch and feeling like I needed to
"do something" of value with the kids...
(at least something more than staying put all day...)
maybe a visit to a museum...going to see a movie...

Because of the frigid temperatures
it really was the perfect time for snuggling under the
blankets, and flipping through all those holiday magazines 
that I earnestly picked up 
while waiting in line weeks ago...

I'm happy to report,

I am reading those magazines... and sipping hot tea... 
enjoying the fireplace and feeling all the warmth of the season...
This cozy week was especially perfect for 
letting the kids enjoy all 
of Santa's surprises...with not a single 
to-do on any list.  Bliss.

While we spent plenty of time staying cozy and 
enjoying the nonexistent to-do list...
we did also manage to brave the cold 
for a visit to the Art Museum 
and a trip to the movies... (value-added activities everywhere)

The house is still 
relatively clean from having hosted Christmas...
and best of all... there are a few leftover ginger
cookies in the kitchen... what could be better?

With 201coming in just a few short hours...
I am so hopeful for the year ahead.
Really...really hopeful!!

New beginnings...
what could feel fresher... and more

I don't have any resolutions... 
not really... but...

What I do have 
are a lot of BIG ideas.
and a few plans...

Because big ideas 
without a plan...
are just wishes....

while I do
have a fondness for making wishes...

(I really believe in putting your dreams and wishes out
there...out into the universe)

I am giving some of these ideas 
an extra nudge...with a plan.

I'm so excited
to see what happens next
and I can't wait to share 
it all with you.

I'm looking forward to creating, 
baking and celebrating
all these big ideas...
...and more than anything...
I hope that I can make the very best 
of 2018 at every turn.

I'm ready...

Here's to you friends!!
Cheers to you my sweet readers!!
Thank you from the bottom of my 
blue ribbon heart for
sharing this journey, for reading these 
posts and for trying the recipes.

When I think back on all the 2017 was...
...and has been...
(...And this year was packed full 
of wonderful amazing moments...)

The most delicious memories have
been those moments shared with you...
the students...the new bakers, the readers who write
in  --sharing their very own photos...
telling stories of their success!!
Seeing your ribbons, enjoying 
your accomplishments...
...sharing the joy... 
it's everything.

...Those are the moments
 that have stayed with me.

Wishing you all the BEST 
for a Happy New Year...a
heath-filled, love-filled, magical 2018!!

Let's don't waste a minute of it....

Here are the over-due...
better-late-than-never posts:

The Christmas Days...  Day 9
A Best Of Show Salted Caramel Coffee Cake... 
perfect for any chilly winter morning.

Click Here: Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake

Day 10
My very favorite Christmas Tree: Santa and Me Photo Tree
Click Here:Santa Photo Tree

Day 11
Happy New Year!: Spectacular New Year's Centerpiece Idea
(that is actually this post)

Using discounted silver ornaments...
create a dazzling centerpiece.

I bought mirrored ornaments, tinsel and
silver ribbon at 75% off...

At the base I placed a silver tinsel wreath...
and then placed my stacked cake plates.

Add the ornaments, ribbon and garland...
At night with dimmed lighting and a little candle light...
this centerpiece looks beautiful on a buffet.

The glittered numbers 
I typically use for birthdays...
The numbers were found in the cake 
decor aisle of Hobby Lobby.

This is the perfect time 
to buy discounted holiday decor 
that you can use throughout the year 
for other celebrations.

TIP:  I always pick up a little extra red and blue tinsel... 
It isn't the most popular color for holiday decorating, 
so there is always a lot left in the bargain bin...
I use it for July Fourth parties and decorating
parade bicycles.

These are some of the deeply
discounted silver decor items I picked up.

Day 12
I'll be Home for Christmas holiday ornament.

Thank you for a terrific 2017...



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