
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Our Thanksgiving: A Home Tour


How I love your family gatherings...

The crisp air and crunchy leaves...the smell of a crackling fire...

The scrumptious foods... family recipes... pie.
 Or pies...whatever the case may be...

I love your song... What??!

Yes...  the Thanksgiving song... 

Thanksgiving doesn't really have a well know anthem... 

Maybe, kinda-sorta "Over the River and Through the Woods"....
but some may argue that music is more of an overall holiday/Christmas song...
We don't really sing a true-blue turkey/Thanksgiving song...

 Or do we??

I was taught this little tune as a toddler and I still sing it to my kiddos, to this day.

May they someday remember the words and sing this to their own children and grandchildren.

There's a great big turkey on Grandpa's farm

...and he thinks he's mighty gay,

He spreads his tail into a great big fan and he struts around all day...

You can hear him gobble at the girls and boys...

He thinks he's funny when he makes that noise...

But, he'll sing his tune a different way

upon Thanksgiving Day.

Thank you for stopping by to take a peek
at the holiday happenings around here.

As always, I appreciate you stopping by and taking 
the time to read this hobby of mine.

I am truly thankful 
for you... 
...for my dear family and friends...
and for all of the blessings each day brings.

Wishing you and yours a beautiful Thanksgiving and a festive start to the holiday season!

All the best,



  1. Your home is lovely! Do you know what material your apron is made out of? Is it homemade. I just love it! Thanks for sharing your ideas. Its helpful to someone like me who has no natural decorating abilities :)

    1. What a sweet message! Thank you. The apron is from Williams-Sonoma, I purchased it last summer... It reminded me of an antique flour sack... Cream with a navy stripe (the stripe is not seen in the photo) ...It's cotton. You might check ebay. Thanks for writing and visiting the blog!!

  2. I think the Thanksgiving anthem needs to be "Come Ye Thankful People Come"....but your turkey song is mighty cute! Your home is lovely and I am looking forward to reading backward to see everything!
    Blessings to you,
