
Friday, October 30, 2015

The Over-Achieving Month of October

I'm a list maker... 
I can't help it.
...even if my list is not written down on paper, 
you can be pretty sure I have a mile long list 
floating around in my head...

I think it's a Type A personality trait...
and I'm pretty sure that with my Type A+++ personality... 
it's just part of what makes me tick.

A few weeks ago on Pinterest I saved a Fall Bucket List.
This particular list is a very comprehensive 
collection of ALL the many fun autumn activities 
a Type A, B or C person could ever possibly want to do.
...some bucket lists are so bold 
as to name the top 100 or top 25 activities... 
they have numbers...
(...ranked in no particular order of course)

Well, here's the thing... 
There are only 31 days in this month.
31 days and 31 nights.
 Yes, it's true, 31 is in fact the most days a month can have... 

(October is such an over-achieving month)

The other months are probably jealous of October's 31 days and all 
of the great things it has to offer...
When you combine Halloween, Sweetest Day, the crisp cool weather...
...the changing leaves, football, and pumpkin-everything... see why 31 days are so necessary.

It's a good thing there are so many days... 
How else could anyone possibly begin to whittle away at those
100 or even top 25 amazing things that 
"should" happen in the gloriously busy month of October??

As the month began,
 I set out to do an October Home tour...
(Type A planning happening)
which had to be changed to a "Fall" Home Tour...
because there are sadly not 41 days in October... 
which frankly, I could have really used.

The best laid plans... whoops...

The 2015 fall home tour will be coming soon to a blog near you...

So... As much as I love a good list... and I do...
and as much as I love October...
I had to take those beautifully crafted Pinterest fall bucket 
lists as a light suggestion...

Here's what we did instead...

Our October was full.
Our proverbial cup of butter beer runneth say the least.
(Harry Potter talk)

Knowing October is a busy time... 
and keeping that fun fact in mind, I scheduled a family vacation.
Probably not what an overly busy schedule should have added to it... 
but, we did it anyway.
(using our kiddos fall-break for most of the days)

We went to Disney....and Universal (for a visit to Harry Potter)

It was as magical and as 
Spoktacular as you might imagine it would be this time of year.

Halloween at Disney is as over-achieving as it gets... they really do it up!

A whole 7 days of my 31... while well-spent..
Now, though...
now we were now down to 24 days.

Once home,
We enjoyed watching the leaves change...
each day I thought was better than the next...
I would run and get my camera...
and then the next day I would think the trees were even better...
So, I ran to get the camera... again.

This happened for at least 5 days in a row. least.

The porch was gussied up for the month....

Costumes were selected.

Pumpkins were picked...

Oh, October... you always leave us wanting more...

What is the moral of this story??

It's this...

The advice I give my 4th grader daily:

Work at your own pace.

Don't compare yourself (or your bucket list) to anyone else.

Make sure to be a good listener.
(Be still and listen)

Do your best.

Have a wonderful time...always....make sure you are having fun.

Here's to you, October!!  
Here's to your many bountiful gifts... 
Here's to your 31 days of pumpkins and hay wagon rides,
to your golden leaves, cups of apple cider, bonfires, homecomings
 and unapologetic abundance. 

Here's to giving us more things to do than are truly possible to accomplish in 31 days.

There won't ever be enough days
to really do all that we want to do...

list or no list...
...know that you are enough.


  1. I have a yearly decorating list for the holidays. Keepd me grounded on what to do. Janice

    1. I think lists help me stay focused too. However...those very ambitious bucket lists for each season...while tempting are sometimes my downfall. I'm guilty of doing too much...or at least trying to do too much. Janice, thanks for writing. Karri
