
Sunday, September 7, 2014


We had a little visitor at our front door over the past few days.  I was relieved we didn't step on him, since he blended in so perfectly with the mulch.  Luckily he chose the right house on the block, and he stayed safe under our hostas.  Of course, our children were overjoyed to have a little bird to look after.  Thankfully, the baby mourning dove's parents were always close by; so we left the baby bird to roost in our landscaping.
After some research, our children decided to be sure the baby dove was eating well.  They supplemented his diet with a smattering of bird seed all around.  Like any good host and hostess, they happily built a bird house and propped it against a shrub, you know, "in case the baby bird needs to take a rest".
This morning I found our little friend sitting right on our front porch... I suppose he was ready for his close up!
We did wonder if the baby dove was able to fly...this morning I watched him call out to his watchful parents and fly up into our maple tree.  The kids were thrilled to know he was safe with his parents...I was thrilled to no longer have to keep my eye out for our neighbor's cat, Kita.
So, with all the birds back in the tress, I could shoot a few pictures of our front door in the morning sun.  I'm a little ahead of the game with the pumpkins.  Last year I waited too long and couldn't find what I was looking for in the pumpkin this year, I snapped up what I wanted right away.
The front door feels special and inviting, without being overly fussy.  I can use the pumpkins and mums through November...and the Thanksgiving celebration we host.
Wishing you a beautiful sunny Sunday, from my front door to yours.



  1. How adorable! I love how you got your kids involved in taking care of the baby bird. I'm happy you researched the best way to feed it, first. Hopefully he stays safely away from the cat up in that tree! Your front door is adorable, by the way. The bright pops of color against the black and white door are beautiful!

    Earl Mark @ Eastway Lock
