
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Easy DIY Flower Napkin Rings

"We Can Do It"...

What a great motto.

The motto of those that believe anything is possible...and DO-able.

...And without getting too historic on the origins of that saying...

The art of  'doing'  along with the art of getting things done...

especially applies to 

Do-It-Yourself types...(present company included) 

With a hot glue gun...and enough glue...

most DIYer's could 

make just about anything...

True Story: In college, my stereo broke...
So naturally, I opened it up...voiding all warranties 
and ignoring all written warnings...
I fixed the stereo with my hot glue gun...  I really did.
That poor old stereo (probably in someones attic by now...) 
...that stereo was given an entire second act thanks to 
a budding young DIY-er and her hot glue gun skills.
Instead of "Rosie the Riveter"...It was "Karri the Gluer"...

The moral of this "glory days" story:

If you can't find what you are looking for...

Make it yourself.

The second moral of the story
(for good measure) is:
Read and follow all safety warnings on electrical equipment.
I am not advocating the use of hot glue to fix or repair such items.

And today, while planning my Easter table.

Yes...(I know... I'm such a planner)

I couldn't find what I wanted...


maybe a better way of putting it...

...I couldn't find exactly what I wanted 

at a price I was willing to pay. 


You guessed it...

I made it myself.

And here's the best part... you can too.  ;)

Here's what I used:
Medium to large silk flowers in a color/style for your table or decor.
A paper towel roll
Wire cutters
Hot glue gun
Fabric or burlap to wrap napkin ring

Getting started:

I cut the paper towel tube into half-inch rings

Next, I cut a slit in each ring.

Open the cardboard up and place on a similar sized piece of fabric or burlap.
In this case I used burlap.

Glue the burlap /fabric around the cardboard

Reattach the ends with a dot of glue.

Snip a flower from the wire stem with wire cutters.

Add a dab of hot glue to the outside of the ring and 
press flower into place.  Hold for 30 seconds or until set.


How easy...How fun... and

 We did it!!  

We just knew we could...didn't we??

I did a few in white magnolias too... 
Ahhh, springtime...sigh.

For a little more table inspiration...
take a look at Easter table ideas and my 10 favorite table decor tips... 
As always, thanks so much for reading the blog
 and taking the time to stop by.

...I'm so glad that you do.



Napkin-Pier One Imports
Plate-Antique White by Mikasa
Burlap-Hobby Lobby
Woven Charger-Ikea
Flatware-Thrift Shop Find

Always use a hot glue gun responsibly and according to package instructions.  It is not safe
or recommended to fix electrical equipment of any kind with hot glue. 


Sharing at:The Scoop

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, this is the article that is interesting for the post . Thanks :)
