
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Terrific Thanksgiving Family Activities!

Here are a few of my favorite family activities for Thanksgiving!! If you want to make Thanksgiving extra special this year— try incorporating some of these cute ideas... plus a few bonus ideas too for virtual and online or long-distance family activities.

I love to have a little fun set-up for our guests... especially for our littlest friends, I like:

Turkey coloring pages with fresh crayons or colored pencils. 

 Classic board games

 Non-messy (no paint or glitter) crafts

Macaroni necklaces—kids love to make and GIVE jewelry gifts!

Modeling or polymer clay—(our kids have even kept themselves busy for hours by making a stop-motion video with a free app) they used the modeling clay to create characters and drew backdrops.

Here are a few ACTIVE activities— plus—never underestimate a walk in the woods, a nature hike or a bonfire... bring out old fashioned fun like hop scotch, four square, jacks or jump rope.

Scavenger Hunt- (One of my most favorite memories) using a brown paper lunch bag, print or write a list of items to search for (adults may need to add fun items to the search grounds in advance of the event) item ideas: feathers, Indian corn, pumpkins or gourds, pinecones, leaves, wishbone sticks, apples, nuts.

Printable Scavenger Hunt List:

Homemade Holiday Pictionary 

Homemade Holiday Pictionary: Using a large easel and a dry erase board, create your own Thanksgiving themed words. (ie: turkey pot pie, Mayflower, corn, casserole, stuffing, gobble-gobble) Search the internet for many more words.

Make the game extra special by including family members names, significant family names, locations, street names as clue words too... We divided into teams and drew and laughed... we used a timer from another board game —it was a terrific way to end our day together.

Turkey Hunt!!

Turkey Hunt!! Using honeycomb turkeys I picked up at a local thrift store— like an Easter egg hunt... hide the turkeys and let the kids find them... if the weather is bad... move the hunt indoors.  Consider using brightly colored large craft feathers as an alternative—fun for kids to hunt too.

Other ideas:

Zoom Bingo: families can print off bingo cards found online— print at home.  Lots of free online bingo cards are available online-numbers and holiday images. For Zoom-bingo games, designate one family to call the bingo numbers or images.

 Planners can arrange fun prizes in advance... (prize ideas: Thanksgiving themed candy, winner gets a pass for Thanksgiving dishes)

Zoom Art Show: Families color/design their best turkey-hand art and have an art-showing via Zoom.

Gratitude Tree: color leaves for a wreath or tree, writing words of things you’re grateful for... can become a beautiful centerpiece. Collect bare branches, place in a secure vase and attach the gratitude leaves.

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving!!


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