
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Three Cheers for All-American Cherry-Berry Cheesecake !!

Three cheers for cheesecake!!

She can leap over tall desserts in a single bound...

She creates sweet smiles wherever she goes...

Look, It's a cake...

No, It's a Pie, ... Wait...

It's: All-American Cherry-Berry Cheesecake!!

She's not really a superhero...
But you'll certainly feel like one when you
unveil her patriotic beauty this July 4th!!

Speaking of super heroes...

Did you all see the new 
Wonder Woman movie yet?

We LOVED it... and well...
That's saying a lot, because this little ol' blogger
is not a huge action-movie fan...  but...

Wonder Woman... it was fantastic.

Yesterday...I was not feeling like Wonder Woman...
It was more like Overwhelmed-Woman... 
(that's a box-office hit in the making...what a dismal title)

At least there is cheesecake...
That's all I can say
after a long, long day
full of mishaps...
Cheesecake can perk up almost any situation...

Oh, my goodness,  the day did not
go how I had hoped it would.

It was a gorgeous day... perfectly beautiful in almost every way.

Except for one... 

The day before I had taken many I tend to do...

I took an assortment of cheesecake photos...and posted one to Instagram.

I let my family dig into the All-American Cheesecake... 
They LOVED it, 
6 adoring thumbs up...
and just as I don't always LOVE action films...they surprisingly 
don't usually LOVE cheesecake...
but they LOVED this dessert!!

...And then IT happened...

My phone stopped working.  

(I usually shoot blog photos on my big camera, but in some cases, 
I do use my phone...
For simplicity... for ease...and my phone is less 
cumbersome in the kitchen and way easier to
 wipe up if I get any whipped cream on her...)

The phone just stopped...frozen in time.  
Freezing all my photos inside of her case...

Nothing was accessible. 
 After a lonnnng morning of  you-tube tutorials...
I took my phone to the experts who 
didn't have any luck reviving my phone either,
....So the phone is visiting yet another expert...

If...and that's a BIG IF...they can work their tech-magic
I might get to share some of my better photos...
I might get back some of my sweet summertime photos...

So, at least there is cheesecake...
And perhaps a superhero...
An individual cloaked in wisdom and
superior technological know-how
will contact me soon and
 I can re-enter the modern, photo-filled world.

Being a super hero comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes... 


I bet every one of us is super-hero every now and then, 
even if we don't know that we are...

To someone...we are a hero.

 ....and sometimes, just sometimes...
 a super-hero might arrive
 in the form of a patriotic cheesecake.

I'm OK with that too.

Thanks for reading as always... if you've ever had any luck reviving a perfectly good apple iPhone, don't hesitate to share your solution in the comments.

I'll be sharing this dessert along with a few other fun July 4th treats THIS Friday on
our Fox19 Morning Now!!  See you then.


ALL-American Cherry-Berry Cheesecake
Karri Perry, Blue Ribbon Kitchen 

9 inch pie plate
1 sleeve or about 9 crushed vanilla graham crackers
(I found the new HoneyMaid Vanilla flavor at Wal-Mart)
5 tablespoons melted butter
1 Tablespoon granulated sugar
Pinch of salt

2 bricks of Philadelphia Cream Cheese-softened
1/3 cup sour cream
½ cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon almond extract

Whipped Cream
1 cup Heavy cream, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 Tablespoons sugar
Beat on low, then high, to create fresh whipped cream.
Cherry Pie Filling
Blueberry Pie Filling
Piping bags, 1 star tip

Preheat oven 350 degrees- racks in center position
Combine melted butter and crushed graham crackers, sugar and salt. Press mixture into a 9 inch pie plate.  Set aside.

In a mixer, (using the whip attachment) whip the softened cream cheese for 1 minute until fluffy, scrape down sides.  Add the sour cream and whip 1-2 minutes, scrape down sides as necessary.  Add two eggs, lemon juice and extract.  Whip mixture an additional 1-3 minutes, until the batter is smooth and airy.  Pour batter into the prepared pie plate.  Bake on the center rack of a preheated oven (350 degrees) for 40 minutes or until cheesecake is set.  Remove from oven.  Let cool 20 minutes and then refrigerate at least 3 hours before adding the berry/whipped cream topping.

Topping: Place toppings after cheesecake as been cooled and refrigerated at least 3 hours.
Place whipped cream, cherry filling and blueberry filling into 3 separate piping bags.  For the whipped cream, use a decorative tip.  For the berry fillings, be sure to cut the opening large enough to accommodate the berries.
Pipe a boarder of whipped cream around the edge of the pie-creating a dam for the berry fillings.

Pipe a flag shape or stripes with the whipped cream.  If necessary, retrace whipped cream boarders to create deeper spaces for the berry toppings to be placed.
In between the whipped cream boarders, pipe alternating cherry and blueberry fillings.
Refrigerate topped pie, best when served after chilling for 12 hours or overnight.

Looking for more July 4th Inspiration??

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