
Monday, May 4, 2015

My Latest Crush

I have a crush...

I do.

I must admit it...

I had sworn all these years that my
most favorite, top-of-the-list
state to visit and explore was...


I just loved it...madly...
from their catchy "Be a Peach and Keep Georgia Clean"
litter campaign...
to the coastal hamlets, sweet tea, charming towns, 
and fabulous cuisine 
...and true southern hospitality...

I love everything about Georgia...

 the blooming azaleas, 
the Whistle Stop Cafe, Savannah....
There's not a whole lot not to love about the
sweet state of Georgia....

Then, a few years later, 
I met South Carolina... in particular Charleston... 


Oh, South Carolina...
you stole my heart... 
with heaps of southern charm, BBQ, seafood and
gorgeous architecture...the sandy beaches...
the plantations and history.... oh, the history....

Well... I was pretty smitten... then I recently took a slight detour
in a state I visit quite regularly...  Right there under my nose...
 a state I have long enjoyed and admired...
but all this time,
I had been missing some of it's most beautiful offerings...

The the focus of my latest adoration goes to... the great state of:


Yes, my latest crush is on a state that usually gets a really unfair depiction....


...home to the most gorgeous rolling hillsides, 
miles and miles of painted split rail fence, 
spring green pastures, wild flowers...bourbon... horses....

The Bluegrass State..
I know... 
How could I have possibly missed your
truly exquisite beauty all this time??

I recently took a drive through Kentucky on my way to Tennessee...
and because of construction...I took a significant detour...

Country roads... tiny little towns... this way and that... 
losing my cell phone signal a time or two.. 
The detour...
 it gave me a glimpse of Kentucky I had not really seen before...

...and it was gorgeous.

I was lucky enough to see the most beautiful
views of farmland...I have ever...seen...

Picturesque barns dotted the landscape...

Oh, how I wished I could have stopped to snap photos of some of the gorgeousness...
I was the driver, the radio listener, the song singer, map reader and navigator and...
sadly, I couldn't stop...

but I'm thinking about going again...just to snap some photos...It was just that good!!

Before long I was in Tennessee... (a beauty in it's own right...)
and soon I was having a delicious meal
just south of Nashville at the Loveless Cafe.

Not only was I enjoying my newfound state crush...
...soon I was in awe of these
best-ever biscuits... and the homemade jams too... wow.

 The meal was great, the biscuits were divine and the company... 
well, she was the best part of it all.

I was visiting a dear friend from college.
 I bet no one ever,
before today, has ever said she was better than biscuits...

 She is.

...and that's saying a lot...
Have you ever had the Loveless Cafe biscuits??

If you have...
well, then you would know
what a treasure my friend is...

She is so much fun... a breath of fresh air to sit and spend time with an old friend...
there is nothing so sweet as reconnecting with friends
...nothing sweeter.

While in Nashville we visited the Country Living Fair... 
if you love the magazine,
you'll really get a kick out of visiting the fair.

A day at the Country Living Fair is very much like talking
a stroll through the pages of the Country Living magazine...
and the day is even better when it's shared with a good friend!

So I'm curious to know if you have any crushes??
On biscuits??  or states?? or anything else for that matter??

Let's be honest, I have a lot of crushes...
and while The Bluegrass State and Loveless Cafe biscuits top the list this week...
 I could really go on... and on... is baseball season...
the Shark vacuum,
Greenfield Village,
vintage photographs,
a southern drawl...
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers,
 antique recipes, Pinterest,
Maine, coffee cake.,
chai tea lattes... picket fences...

Finding new things to love and be excited about keeps life interesting!!

Share your latest crush in the comments...I'd love to know!

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